Do you wish to be taken seriously in your profession? What have you done about it? Do people enjoy interacting with you at a professional level? These are some key questions that we should all ask ourselves this year. The year of the nurse and the midwife is upon us and the whole world is watching and listening to us. What will you do to take advantage of this opportunity?

Professionalism is a term meaning the competence or skill expected of personnel who have undergone a subscribed formal training. So again back to my question. Do you wish to be taken seriously in your nursing profession? I always do because then how can I justify the need for better pay, improved working conditions and be respected by the public and all other professionals. What encompasses professionalism? From the definition, we see that it entails competency or expected skillset after training. Competency-based training often involves three key things :
- The knowledge that we obtain from our subscribed curriculums. This is often why we have regular assessments of our level of knowledge before certification in whatever field.
- Job experience - It is important to practice the hands-on practical skills in conjunction with using the gained knowledge as evidence. Always seek to practice the right thing.
- Personal attributes- For instance language used, punctuality, being well kept.

Very few studies have been done in Africa in reference to understanding factors influencing professionalism in nursing. In my opinion, this then explains why it is not standardized in most places thereby creating conflicts as we try to vouch for better working terms and environments. We can only move forward if we all speak in one voice.
Below is a brief summary of factors affecting perceptions of professionalism among nurses in different countries.
- Increased level of education.
- The use of professional organizations
- Belief in public service
- Autonomy
- Belief in self-regulation
- Having a sense of nursing being a calling
- Undergoing regular training to keep abreast with current practice
Here are some recommendations on how we can ensure that we each stand out positively within the profession.
1. Display the utmost decorum at all opportunities.

You will only be taken as seriously as you take yourself. Choose your words wisely when addressing people in all avenues. Take an extra minute to look presentable before interacting with people. If you are working in a clinical set up before starting to handle your patient ensure you are prepared. Create precedence to being organized. Be sure of what you are about to do. If unsure consult from all the resources available. If that is not an option work on hiding your truest fears and distaste that may be displayed through your non-verbal cues. Going in for an interview prepare well in advance, ask questions on health benefits, work injury accounts and process, studying availability options, etc. Do not be quick to accept what is dished out immediately. I am learning there is more than just remuneration. I chose to make it known that is is my own personal opinion.
2. Build on your knowledge.

Nursing is an evidence-based practice. Build a culture of being inquisitive especially on ways in which we can enhance the practice. This will then give opportunities to contribute to the field.
3. Be part of a professional body.

Professional bodies in nursing are critical for generating the energy, flow of ideas, and proactive work needed to maintain a healthy profession that advocates for the needs of its clients and nurses, and the trust of society. In Kenya, for example, we have an example of The National Nurses Association Of Kenya (NNAK). In the past couple of years, they have been actively trying to achieve the above by holding different symposiums countrywide. Kindly visit their webpage and see all upcoming events also make sure to register.
4.Adoption of a culture of safety.

A 'culture of safety' describes the core values and behaviors that come about when there is a collective and continuous commitment by organizational leadership, managers and health care workers to emphasize safety over competing goals. With the current change of trends in healthcare, this is a very key component. Some of the things involved in the a culture of safety include.
- Speaking out without fear of retribution
- Feedback management system to ensure errors are reported.
- All levels of management providing a safe environment for the staff to work and for the patient/clients to stay in.
5. Participate in any opportunities available

This year marks the last year to the Nursing now challenge. The year 2020 is the Nightingale Challenge," the purpose of the challenge is to help develop the next generation of young nurses and midwives as leaders, practitioners, and advocates in health, and to demonstrate that nursing and midwifery are exciting and rewarding careers." Now, what do you plan to do about it? Visit the webpages to read on it if you wish to participate in it do so now before time runs out. If you are within Mombasa kindly contact any NNAK committee member. The future lies in your hands.
For more information kindly click this link
In conclusion, as we continue to be pacesetters lets always acknowledge that