Have you been keen to listen and to watch things closely? I have been and this is what I have noticed. PS. This is my personal opinion
Have you asked yourselves on the genesis of the use of the following terms; healthcare heroes, going to war, going to the frontline while referring to going to work? I had casually adopted it and put it down on a message but something always felt off. As health professionals we are obliged to prevent illness and promote wellness irrespective of the scale so why are we adopting military terms. I began to look into it I was not getting enough information on the same till I came across an article that briefly explained it. The use of military terms in past experiences has been noted to be more effective in generating emotions among people and directly this also affects our psychological response. I have attached a link to an article that seeks to explain this better than I do. I encourage you to read it and continue reading more on this then draw a conclusion for self https://rcni.com/nursing-standard/opinion/comment/covid-19-why-we-need-to-ditch-military-terms-160071.
Most countries are facing a shortage of personal protective gear and with that more and more health workers are being infected in the workplace. However, as you may have noticed those on the ground are not allowed to openly discuss it on their platforms further still some are not allowed to seek assistance externally. This is mostly to save face. Often it is achieved through a subliminal manner and it may go unnoticed to some people. For example, some sublime antics would be you raise a concern on inadequate PPEs then get told off through statements like "you have to provide care being that its what you are employed to do. Otherwise, go home and lose your job."
3. The moralization of poor practice

4. Our benefits are predetermined

How then can we as team players be involved in changing the narrative;
I applaud the different organizations eg NNAK, KMPDU, the different hospital management offering a listening ear to our needs, and anyone playing their part well. However, it is upon all of us to seek to communicate our needs and grievances to facilitate inter collaboration. We still have a long way to go and it for us to try to formulate solutions for the problems we are currently facing. This is the best way we can control the narrative. I had highlighted this in the following blog post titled yes we can https://lilylovelong.blogspot.com/2020/01/yes-we-can.html.

We often interact with people working in different organizations meaning we have a great pool of ideas and we should discuss and borrow best practices from each other. Helen Keller said, "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
We should try to always challenge the status quo for change to happen. It should be approached in a smart way for it to be effective. Tina Seelig in her book titled What I wish I knew when I was 20 she recommends that: one should not dismiss an idea no matter how wild it is. They may appear silly on the surface but with the right frame of mind, you can get something valuable out of everything.
As I conclude, as we keep striving to get ourselves out of Coronaville it is important to always remember this quote “The art of life lies in a constant readjustment to our surroundings.” Kakuzō Okakura, The Book of Tea