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Do you ever conduct a self-evaluation on a regular? Genuinely I have never conducted one. Why? I don't know. I am learning that an honest self-evaluation will ensure that I can see myself more clearly and it will help me identify my strengths and my demons hence allowing me to improve myself. For best results I am learning it should be brutal as this is the only way to build the best version of myself. How can one do it? It is still very new for me so I am still learning and below is what I have found out.
1. Feedback. Be quick to listen and slow to react or respond

When something gets repeated to you please pay attention. Dig deeper, make intentional decisions to act on the root of the problem. I had to read and re-read this to comprehend it is so sad but true "@Ebonygold1645 tweeted yesterday "Apologies are pointless if you continue to make the same mistakes. If you say sorry for something, make an effort to get to the root of the problem that caused you to apologize and fix it."
Ask yourself what is being communicated here and why. How better would you handle the same situation. You ain't perfect no one is.
2. Read self-developmental books

I think because I was so used to be in my own cocoon I thought I had figured it out, unfortunately, it turns out it was a false perception and I have to undergo a lot of growth mentally. I'm not trying to justify my ignorance on my lack of basic skills I'm just so shocked that it has taken me so long to learn that. Please share any book recommendations. I will also do my part and keep looking for some.
3. Online resources

From sometime this year when an issue on my pessimism was brought up, I subscribed to action to happiness.org. It is a forum that provides activities one can perform daily to enhance one's mental wellness. This is because I discovered one's words are a reflection of one's headspace and I want to be positive. I have so much to do on myself but I will achieve that somehow. You may also subscribe by following the link https://www.actionforhappiness.org/.
4. Respect peoples emotions and give them time

Why are you seeking to be forgiven are you worth being forgiven. giving people time to decide if they still need you in their life is an acquired skill. I have few friends and so this is a skill I'm learning that I must cultivate. I am learning we are all very different and sometimes the biggest form of justice you can do for someone is to give them time to process and they shall communicate once ready: if they are ever ready so from today I am practicing this. Well, I'm starting to do so from now.
As I continue on this journey my hope is to finally get to a
point where I can view my self through the clear prism of candid
introspection and be happy with the person I have become.
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