try comparing how this article raises questions on issues that we as a country fail to even address in our current health bill. this is despite us being a middle-income country interacting with people from all over the world and facing these challenges daily. Where are we failing? Is it in failure to participate in the generation of policies that govern us as health workers. Please share your thoughts I am quite interested to hear from you?
Please find a sample of the journal links
Basis of bias
- Sexual orientation (11%)
- Ethnicity (8%)
- Religion (7%)
- Political views (6%)
- Race (5%)
The study also clearly states that at times the perceived bias "might just be a poorly explained preference." For instance due to previous negative experiences with doctors of other ethnicities etc. What if the preferred professional doesn't have the needed skills yet, will we comply with a patient's request? Quite a murky zone right? It is quite important to address it so that we limit race/ethnicity health disparities, improve health outcomes and at times quite honestly save lives. Please follow the link to further analyze the said study
Challenges faced by health workers who experience bias
- Disrupts team harmony.
- It impairs one's self-esteem and self-worth.
- Risk of hampered relations with other patients.
- It creates a moral-ethical dilemma for the health worker and organization.
- Complying and failure to comply can lead to Lawsuits.
What can we do?
1. Comply with basic ethical guidelines through; evaluating the patient’s
medical condition; assessing the patient’s decision-making capacity, determine the
patient’s reasons for the request, the available options for responding, and the effect
on the health worker.
2. Try using problem-solving techniques especially if it may end up affecting their health. The techniques include negotiation, persuasion, and, if necessary, accommodation.
3. When such an event occurs it is important to conduct an assessment on the aggrieved staff, conduct a debriefing with affected staff, convene team meetings, conduct an event tracking, data collection, and initiate organizational cultural changes.
4. Being that our in set-up one is more likely to experience ethnicity bias. I would recommend if our work ID tags only displayed neutral names or rather the legal name one felt more comfortable using. I believe this would limit some awkward conversations we often get bombarded with.
5. Put more emphasis on educating the health workers on their rights and roles and have more organizations creating policies that also protect the health worker.Please follow this link
In conclusion, we need to continue generating difficult conversations. Change can only occur when we openly declare the sad truths and deal with them. For
What about biass of the patients towards the Doctors. Some patients doubt the Nurses as they carry out the procedures. Haven't you experienced a patient with difficult veins say 'can I have a doctor please, someone professional' only for the doctor to fail as well.