We finally have come to the end of 2019. How has your year been? What have you gained or lost from it? My year has been quite interesting. If you have been following my blogposts am sure you have realized it by now. ( Right!) Looking back at the 52 weeks I am filled with mixed emotions at some point along the way I really wanted the year to just come to an to end. However, on one of my rant sessions, I had a long discussion with a friend who left me with a total paradigm shift on my approach to things. Thank you to this individual for my life has just been getting better since then.
I have gained alot and lost so much in 2019 which I choose to believe has helped mold me into a being a better human being. Roy Bennett once said that “When things do not go your way, remember that every challenge and every adversity contains within it the seeds of opportunity and growth.” As we celebrate the opportunity to begin afresh here is a brief look at what I am choosing to take into 2020.
Love and genuine happiness above all else

Ever realized how this two emotions have a great impact on your persona. I have had friends die young but they had led full lives. I have also met people who have lived to an advanced age but had so many regrets on their death beds. Often its because they got hurt along the way and became closed off to showing love to others and chose to hold on to anger, the bitterness, and hurt. I choose to leave all my ugly experiences in 2019 and embrace love and happiness for I am a lover and nothing gives me greater satisfaction than being me.
Being consistent

I am destined for greatness and the only way I will achieve all my goals is to keep at it despite all hardships met along the way. I am learning to always look at the bigger picture and not just take things at face value. There is a lot more to be learned from every opportunity, circumstance or eventuality.

I choose to say no to mediocrity. I chose to continue growing for I have only this life to live and I can only get better. I choose to face challenges as an opportunity to identify my potential and I choose to grow with those around me.
Peace of mind and heart

As I begin this new decade I am taking with me calmness. I choose to intentionally keep away from people and activities that are energy drainers for I want to use that extra oomph to enhance my life.
What are you taking into the new decade? As I continue making plans for this new year may all your dreams comes true as you continue working on them remember;
Food for thought.. Love your approach girl!!