Ever notice how children seem to be enjoying life. It is because they apply three basic principles:
- They smile often,
- They are quick to forgive
- They often live in the moment.
As adults, we often tend to forget the above and maybe that's why we easily get frustrated. Two to three years ago I lost a friend whose name was Judy. In her younger years, life was very rough however, with each problem she always took it in stride and nothing would wipe away her beautiful smile. Her principle was simple as long as you are alive the best gift you can give to yourself is to enjoy life while making the best out of it. Being that we met in our early twenties the conversations often revolved around some very random topics. Today I choose to recall some of her rules to having fun.
1. You are single so date a lot of people
Re-read my subheading I said date not randomly having sex the latter is your choice. You should not commit yourself to someone till you think it is worthwhile but you can still have loads of fun while searching. Accept to go for those lunch dates, coffee date, dinner dates, impromptu road trips etc make sure you dress up and show up. Enjoy the meals, movies, kiss slowly and have proper conversations with the aim of learning more about the different people you interact with. You may be amazed by what you discover..
2. Be spontaneous
Maya Angelou once said, " If you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you are."
It is okay to get bored but it is never okay to let your day be wasted. Try out something new, for instance, if you are like me just google random places around you and randomly pick on the cheapest and visit it. You will be amazed by how thrilling it can get. Some of the things I have tried this year include planning random trips, starting this blog and learning a new language. What have you attempted? I would wish to hear about it.
3. Forgive more
4. Be courteous
Yes, the tout said hi to you, or that random cart(mkokoteni) guy said hi, be courteous enough and respond appropriately, for it costs nothing to be good to people. It is actually very freeing and in addition to that, these people are often more helpful than the CEO's with colossal mahogany desks.
So remember as Elenor Roosevelt once said: " The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experiences to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear, for newer and richer experiences."
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