Friday 8 November 2019


 The Oxford dictionary 2019, defines personal space as "physical space immediately surrounding someone, into which encroachment can feel threatening or uncomfortable". We often underestimate its role but for us to be mentally sane, we need to recognize it is important. With that said I believe personal space should not be limited to immediate physical space but rather to any space, physical or mental that if invaded is cringeworthy.

Image result for you are what you entertain from people quotesAs one gets older one comes to realize that you are literally what you allow people to treat you as and, therefore, one has to build thick skin as life by itself is very harsh. By stating this it doesn't mean that you have to be rude about it but you have to speak as a matter of factly. Decisions in your life have to be intentional for it to succeed for instance:

1. Learn your role, benefits, and limitations at the workplace

Before signing your work contract read the fine print, understand what it means for you, enlighten yourself on the labour laws and in this way you will never have to choose what is very important. What is the craziest thing you have been told by a person of authority? For me, I was once told that if I desire to go back to school I can't do that and work for the organization. I resigned and the funniest bit I have been excelling since; I found a better employer, I went back to school and graduated.
What have been your experiences?

2.Choice of friends

Your friends should be people who help you become a better version of yourself with each interaction. Always remember "You don’t need a certain number of friends, just a number of friends you can be certain of". Worthwhile friends are those that understand it is not the quantity of time spent together but rather the quality of time. These are people who recognize that time apart is as important as the time you spend together.

3. Learn to say No! 
Image result for saying no quote"Do not over-explain yourself, there is no need to lie and stop making any excuses, at the end of the day just learn how to decline to anything that threatens your mental wellness.

4. In relationships

Despite wishing to always spend time with the people we care for. It is paramount to appreciate that as an individual you need time to re-invest in your self. This is through recharging, re-centering and self re-connection and by doing so, one is able to be fully present physically and mentally in the relationships. This can be achieved through activities like spending time with friends or performing personal hobbies etc.

Image result for personal space quotes"

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