Is it me or have you ever noted that some people just seem to be effortlessly successful in all they do? It is almost always about the choice of the people in one's friendship circle. As an example closer to home look into Bob Collymore's life, who did he consider as close friends, what have these individuals achieved, how did they achieve their goals, then think about yourself and what you wish your future will say about you.
A lot can be said about friendships and although not all friends can be cut from the same cloth, there are three common traits that we can adopt so that we can be people who make the people around us evolve to their best versions. This are:
Encourage accountability

Honesty is often uncomfortable but to be a great friend one needs to build honesty as part of one's character for this is the only way one can promote growth and self -introspection among your clique. Encourage them to openly discuss their future goals: while together, work on creating vision boards and make lists on ways to achieve the set goals. Call them out when they seem to be complacent in following up with the said plans. Be someone who fosters good mannerisms, call out your friends when they act out of good character but do so in a loving manner. Situations this can apply are when people are acting like jerks, when they need to quit unhealthy habits, relationships, jobs, etc.
Be someone who invests in self

You should be an epitome for people to emulate. Secondly, you can only give into relationships what you have. This then means you should ensure you have invested in yourself so much that you become a nonexpendable resource to your friends. Some common traits one needs to develop include being motivated, being open-minded, being inspired and being grateful. An easy way to build such habits is through extensive reading as Dr. Seuss once said, "The more you read the more you know., the more you learn and the more places you will go." Reading only does not build one's character but repeatedly doing something makes it second nature.
Listen more judge less

. Take the time to be a good listener, by listening one can generate great solutions to many problems as the answer often lies in what is being said. In addition to this be authentic in nature since nothing is more attractive.
In conclusion, always remember, "quality is not an accident, it is the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution. It represents the wise choice of many alternatives." William Poster. Be the wise choice among many.
I agree to all this. especially on honesty, a lot of people don't appreciate it,even if it's the small truths.
ReplyDeletenice peace👏👏👏
I hope I'm the above friend to you 😊😊